grip strength TESTING

Grip strength is a key indicator of overall strength as well as an important factor when it comes to slowing the effects of aging. Our assessment uses advanced digital dynamometer technology to give you insights about how each hand’s grip is functioning as well as benchmarking to put your results in context.


Grip strength testing is a powerful, science-backed tool for evaluating functional fitness and long-term health. Beyond its correlation with increased lifespan, grip strength offers unique insights into overall muscle health, upper body strength, and resilience against injury. Studies have shown that strong grip strength enhances athletic performance by stabilizing techniques for compound lifts and reducing early hand fatigue. Moreover, it plays a critical role in daily living—impacting everything from opening jars to ensuring safety during a stumble or fall. For older adults, it serves as a vital predictor of independence and injury prevention, reinforcing its importance across all life stages.

Our cutting-edge DIGITAL dynamometer testing benchmarks your grip strength against normative standards and highlights opportunities for targeted improvement


Grip STrength’s ROle in Fitness & Sports Performance

Grips strength is a critical and often under appreciated component when it comes to athletic performance and working out. When training, a weak grip can impede one's ability to perform exercises like pullups, deadlifts, rows, and other movements that require continued control over a barbell or dumbbell. Even for well-conditioned athletes grip strength can be a limiting factor when their hands fatigue before larger muscle groups.

In sports like football, wrestling, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu (BJJ), mixed martial arts (MMA), and many others, a strong grip can be the difference between victory and defeat.

a literal lifesaver in critical moments

Beyond the gym, strong grip strength enhances practical abilities, such as opening jars or carrying heavy objects. It can also be the difference between taking a tumble or avoiding a fall with a stabilizing grasp. As we age, tasks that were slightly hard when we were young can become impossible. If turning a screwdriver or opening a stuck drawer is challenging for you now, imagine how hard these activities will be in your later years? The good news is that grip strength (and overall strength in general) is highly trainable and major improvements can be made at any age.

A Key Leading Indicator of Longevity

The importance of a strong grip goes beyond fitness and day-to-day functional strength; it's a crucial predictor of long-term health and safety. Studies link grip strength to increased lifespan and resilience against age-related risks, such as falls.

Grip strength is also a proxy for overall upper body strength and muscle mass as typically having a strong grip is the result of a physically active life (either due to one’s profession or participation in athletic activities).

what to expect from your Grip Strength APPOINTMENT

A Grip Strength Assessment at NYC Performance Lab takes around 30 minutes from start to finish and is one of our less strenuous tests. The test is stationary and most people don’t even break a sweat, so there’s no need to change into workout clothes unless you’re pairing it with other activities while you’re here. There should not be any discomfort during the test and most people find it to be a fascinating and fun experience.

Meet Your Performance Testing Specialist
Discuss your background, goals, and any potential medical conditions or limitations we should be aware of (5 mins)


Get Set Up
We’ll get you comfortable with the digital dynamometer we’ll be using for the test and ensure the handle is sized appropriately for your hands. (5 mins)



Run Your Test
The Grip Strength Test itself typically takes about 10 minutes. You’ll be asked to squeeze a digital dynamometer with each hand in several different positions. Key metrics about your gripping force will then be captured and graphed. (10 mins)

Review Initial Results
We'll go over your results, put everything in context with normative benchmarks, and answer any questions you have. (5 mins)



Refuel in Our High-Performance Community Kitchen
Recharge with a complimentary "top shelf" sports beverage or snack of your choice (electrolytes, protein shake/bar, essential aminos, etc) (5 mins)

Your Detailed Follow-Up Report
Within a week after your test you'll receive a personalized follow up report with full details, peer benchmarks, and actionable next steps about how to adapt your training based on insights from the test.


“Not enough can be said about the importance of grip strength as you age. It’s one of the strongest physical associations with longer life.”

— Peter Attia, MD, Renowned Longevity Physician

Reporting That’s Easy to Understand

After your Assessment is completed and you have reviewed and discussed your results with our team, a detailed follow-up report will be emailed to you with the raw data from your tests, benchmarks to know where you stand, and additional guidance on training and lifestyle adjustments.


“I was impressed by the facility and had a good experience, very friendly staff and all done very professionally, would definitely recommend.”

— Google Review from Alex I.


Book and pay securely online or call us at (646) 462-4466 with any questions.

Visit Us

11 West 36th St. (between 5th & 6th)
4th Floor (buzz 401 to be let in)



(646) 462-4466